Rebounding or rebound exercise is a form of low-impact exercise commonly performed on a rebounder. A rebounder is a mini-trampoline. It is smaller than a regular trampoline, thus it is mostly used indoor and is designed for fitness. These work best on an exercise trampoline.

Rebounding is an exceptional form of exercise that combines both acceleration(bouncing up) and deceleration(coming down)  and the gravitational force to act on body cells uniquely. It is one of the easiest and most effective ways to keep fit.

Is Rebounding Good for You

Generally, the physical activity of rebounding is suited for people of all ages and gender including children and the elderly. Although it is a cardio exercise it exerts less shock to the joints. Even if your fitness level is low, you can control the intensity of your exercise.

It is vital to note that you should seek medical advice before engaging in any new form of exercise. 

How Does Rebounding Work

Rebounding subjects our body to the forces of acceleration, deceleration, and gravity. These combined forces create an increase in Gforce which means that you become two or three times heavier when you land on the trampoline. Every cell in the body feels this increase and responds by getting stronger.

You end up burning more calories because your body works harder to adjust to your increased “exercise” bodyweight.

Levels of Rebounding Exercise

There are basically three levels or degrees of intensity you can achieve on a rebounder.

  • Health bounce

Health bounce involves gentle rocking motion or bounces with the feet not lifted off the rebounder. You can use a rebounder with a handlebar if you have difficulty balancing on your feet.

  • Aerobic rebounding

Aerobic rebounding is an energetic bouncing on the rebounder that is intense enough to raise the heart rate. Examples of such include dancing, jogging, twisting, etc

  • Strength rebounding

Strength rebounding involves higher bouncing with both feet off the mat. Strength rebounding exercises are ideal for those who are already at ease with health and aerobic bouncing. It involves high-intensity workouts that may be difficult for beginners.

These exercises are effective in toning the muscles. examples include the tuck jump.

Rebounding Tips for Beginners

  • It is advisable that you warm up before your workout and cool down after. Warming up allows you to loosen your joints to avoid soreness and injury. Cooling down after rebounding calms your heart and normalizes your blood pressure. You can warm up with gentle bounces and cool down with light stretches and shoulder rolls.
  •  Also, spend a small amount of time on each workout at the initial stage of rebounding then, when your fitness level has increased you can gradually add more time and speed.
  • Rebounding immediately after eating can cause is recommended that you wait for a few hours after a large meal before starting your workout
  • For rebound exercise to be effective, workout until your heart rate picks up and you start to sweat. This will enable you to burn more calories and build your muscles better.
  • Do not overexert yourself to minimize the risk of injury.

How Frequently Can You Rebound?

While there are no set rules on how often you should rebound, the frequency of your rebound workouts depends on your level of fitness and your reason for rebounding.

Nevertheless, it is generally recommended that as soon as you have passed the beginners stage you should spend 20 minutes every day working out on your mini trampoline for the best result.10 minutes workout may be adequate for beginners.

More importantly, is staying committed to your schedule of exercise.

How Should I Dress for A Rebounding Workout?

While there is no particular dress code, wearing breathable clothing is appropriate. A firm sports bra makes jumping up and down comfortable. Avoid clothing that is loose at the ankles.

Although working out barefoot on the rebounder enables you to feel the ground under your feet and improve your balance faster, avoid tying your shoes tightly if you choose to wear one. Tight shoes can disturb blood circulation to our feet during exercise.

Differences Between Rebounding and Other Aerobic Workouts

The main difference is that other aerobic workouts take place on the floor whereas rebounding is carried out on a trampoline. While the moves may be similar and they are cardio workouts, exercise on a mini trampoline is easier on the joints making it a preferred form of exercise.

Differences Between Trampolines and Rebounders

A rebounder is basically a small-sized trampoline or mini trampoline. While they are closely related, and both have quite a lot of health benefits each of them is unique Below are some of their differences

  • Rebounders are lower to the ground(about 3 and a half feet off the ground) than trampolines. Examples are 14ft trampoline and 8ft trampoline.
  • Trampolines are mainly recreational equipment that can be used for exercise. however, rebounders are particularly constructed to be used for fitness.
  • Rebounders are designed for aerobic fitness but trampolines are more for gymnastic exercises like flips or summersaults.
  • Because they are closer to the ground, rebounders are relatively safer and allow better control of on
  • Rebounders have a lower bounce potential compared to trampolines thus allow better control of body movements. this means you can bounce higher and farther when on trampolines
  • Rebounders are more compact and portable thus are ideal for indoor use. Trampolines are used outdoors

A mini trampoline or rebounder and a 10ft trampoline are shown below:

Toncur Mini Trampoline

Toncur Mini Trampoline

10FT Trampoline set with safety enclosure net

10FT Trampoline set with safety enclosure net

How To Identify a Good Rebounder

it is vital to know how to identify an ideal rebounder to allow you to enjoy the experience. this becomes more important when you have kids that will use it with you.

There is a huge array of trampolines available. The factors you need to consider before buying your trampoline are presented below.

  • The shape of the trampoline should be taken into consideration. round shaped ones offer more safety, rectangular shape have more bounce quality and square-shaped mini trampolines combines safety and bounce quality.
  • Consider whether it comes with safety features like handrails and spring pads especially if you are a beginner
  • Confirm that the weight limit of the mini trampoline can hold adult weight
  • The durability of the materials used to manufacture the trampoline mat, pads, and frame.
  • The space you want to set up the trampoline is important. if you do not have much space, a foldable rebounder might be more appropriate.
  • look out for rebounders with noiseless springs. muted performance when you bounce is a good quality


Benefits of Rebounding

Exercise on mini trampolines can help to transform your total fitness level and imparts a whole range of health benefits. Some of these are highlighted below.

Weight loss

Rebound exercise is beneficial for rapid and sustained weight loss. Firstly, it stimulates metabolism and helps to burn calories fast thus creating the calorie deficit required to lose fat. furthermore, rebounding helps to reduce the level of cholesterol which is also an integral part of weight loss.

Secondly, for sustained weight loss, it is important to remain physically active daily. rebounding is an interesting and easy way to achieve that. more so since you can perform rebound exercise while dancing to your favourite playlist or even in front of your tv.

In addition, you can perform specific routines to firm up specific parts of the body eg tummy, or tighs resulting in a “trim”  appearance.

Heart health

Rebounding improves not only the heart but the entire cardiovascular system.

Bouncing on the trampoline increases heart rate and enables the heart to pump more blood and get oxygen to all parts of the body. Every cell and tissue in the body needs a consistent supply of oxygen to function properly.

A functioning cardiovascular system helps to prevent diseases like high blood pressure and stroke

Lymphatic circulation

Our body’s lymphatic system depends on the contraction of muscles to circulate the lymphatic fluid throughout. the lymphatic system is an important part of our immune system and is responsible for the removal of toxins and protection against infections.

Our lymphatic system depends on the contraction and relaxation of muscles during exercise to circulate the lymphatic fluid throughout our body. As little as 10minutes of rebounding increases the flow and boosts detoxification.

Bone density and muscle strength

rebounding is a weight-bearing exercise that can help prevent the loss of bone density that comes with advancing age. The repetitive movement of rebounding put some pressure on the bones as a result strengthens them.

Also, the high gravitational pull while performing rebounding workouts supports and tones the muscles.

Low impact on joints and skeletal system

Unlike other forms of exercise, rebounding has a gentle impact o joint and our skeletal system because the rebounder mat absorbs most of the energy.

A study conducted in 2015  shows that volunteers who performed an aerobic dance on a mini trampoline had more leg muscular strength and balance and less foot plantar pressure than those on the hardwood.

Rebound exercise is beneficial in the management of arthritis as it reduces the joint pain and stiffness that is peculiar to the disease.

Regulate blood sugar

In addition to maintaining a good diet, rebounding is the type of aerobic exercise that is required for the body to use up more glucose and also regulate insulin levels. it is a natural way of managing diabetes or prediabetes.

Support healthier sleep patterns

Good sleep patterns are vital to a human’s physical and mental wellbeing. The better our sleep pattern the better our body can defend itself against sickness and the more your mental alertness. A study confirms that good sleep enhances our immunity.

Performing rebound exercises relieve tension and encourage relaxation and sleep.

Relieves symptoms of anxiety and depression

Exercises like running and rebounding can improve the brain s ability to metabolize serotonin which alleviates the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Serotonin is a  chemical that helps transmit signals from one part of the brain to another known to be responsible for our mood.

Rebounding exercises boosts the release of endorphins which may help to fight depression and anxiety.

Improves coordination and balance

It is not easy to perfect standing still on a trampoline surface. Staying upright on a mini trampoline while rebounding enhances balance and helps maintain a good posture as well.

Rebounding Safety Measures

The quality of your mini trampoline and the type of activities you do with it can limit the risk of injury. Follow these important safety rules for you and your kids:

  • Confirm that you set your mini trampoline at floor level to reduce the risk of injury from falling from an elevated surface.
  • Cover the trampoline springs with protective pads and place safety mats on encircling landing surfaces.
  • Always check your equipment regularly for damage
  •  place your trampoline at a safe distance away from other objects eg furniture
  • Only one person should be permitted to use the mini trampoline at a time.
  • Always supervise kids when they are jumping on the trampoline to avoid injuries.
  • Do not engage or allow children to perform possibly dangerous moves like somersaults on the mini-trampoline
  • Get a medical evaluation to help you choose the level of intensity of your workouts. This is important if you had surgeries in the past
  • Ensure you are alert and well-rested before engaging in rebound workouts
  • Allow your body to adjust to bouncing if you start to feel dizzy, stop and postpone your workout till another time.


Rebounding is a special form of is fun and ideal for everyone. Exercise on rebounders is good for human cardiovascular, lymphatic respiratory, and immune systems. You have seen that rebound exercises can keep You fit and maintain your health. You are fortified with all the relevant details you need to consider bouncing your way to good health.